Bali is one of the 33 provinces of the Republic of Indonesia with its capital Denpasar, is located between Java and Lombok, covers an area of 5,636 km2 measuring just 90km long the north-south axis and less than about 140 km from west to east with population of over 3,000,000 souls.
There are various modes of transportation to get around Bali, from the traditional types of transportation to the high class limousine are available for tourist to choose. Also available the sea transportation that connect Bali to some of its sister islands. For the short distance you can use Bemo especially in the city of Denpasar. The Buses are available for transportation between towns and most places of the island through local bus stations. The most efficient and convenience transportation in the island is Taxi. There are some different companies providing taxi services and always available everywhere.
To explore Bali in half day or full day trip, the best way is hiring a car with the driver from private individual or travel agent. The other possibility is to rent a self drive car or motorbike, also bicycles are normally available for rent at hotels.
Bali Province divided into nine regencies with its own capital such as Buleleng, Jembrana, Karangasem, Badung, Denpasar, Gianyar, Klungkung and Bangli. Bali is formed by a mountain chain with some of the volcanic peaks are active, including Mount Agung, 3,142m and mount Batur 1717m. The north side of the mountain slopes is fairly steep, creating narrow lowland along the coastal area. Meanwhile, the south slopes are much leaner, forming a fertile plain that becomes the main center of Balinese culture. Some of the most beautiful white sandy beaches are in the south, including Sanur Beach, Kuta and Nusa Dua. The south slope also is home to four lakes, i.e. Lake Buyan, Lake Tamblingan, Lake Beratan, Lake Batur.
To get to Bali, there are several direct flight to Bali (Denpasar) from some parts of world that will make easy to go to Bali. From Jakarta, flight to Bali is about 1.5 hours, and from Singapore and Perth Australia 2.5 and 3 hours, from Hong Kong about 4.5 hours, and from Sydney or Melbourne about 5.5 to 6 hours, with various airlines offering their services.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
The Dreamland of Bali
Visit Batu Bulan to Watch Barong Dance
Batubulan village was the border village between Gianyar and Badung. The distance from Denpasar City around 8 Km. Batubulan well known with the art stone statue. All art shop along the main road displayed the statue of the rocky stone.
These statues are generally used for the holy place or religion means. Later, the sculpture were use for the secondary interests like the garden decoration. Beside the rubble statue, Batubulan also has Barong Dance that was gotten 3 open stages open (Tegal Tamu, Puri Agung and the Puseh Bendul Temple), the place of the dance barong was staged daily, from 10,00 am, with the tourists as the main audience. The Group of barong dance was developed since 1970 's by all perspective up to now. In line with the tourism development, Batubulan currently also could be seen as the market handicraft product like silver/gold, ceramic, furniture and or the antique house accessories.
Almost each Banjar in Singapadu had the gamelan unit, for the interests of the ceremony in the temple or the staging of the tourist attraction. Singapadu was known as the centre production of the barong mask. TheArt shop sold gold jewellery and silver (the brooch, the bracelet, the necklace, the ring et cetera) along the main road of the Celuk Village. The handicraft product of Celuk has penetrated the export market for a long time ago. The design has developed as the blend of the local Celuk and the international art that introduced through foreign tourists.
Kuta Beach
Kuta is the most popular beach in Bali. The wide beach with white sand and facing to the West become the special attraction, so it presents a beautiful scenery and romantic when the sunset.
Kuta has come into the center of Bali tourism as a strategic location and has the most extensive facilities ranging from hotels, shopping centers, restaurants, recreation places and children's games and sports facilities.
Kuta Beach is also near from the airport, and make it easy whenever your arrive or depart from here
There are two beaches located adjacent to the Kuta coast, namely Legian and Seminyak beach. The location of those three coastal is connected so that this area is complemented each other and really had an interest taken by tourists to relax all day.
West Sumatra an Overview
West Sumatra Province located at the western island of Sumatra in front of the Indonesian Ocean. This area is more popular with Minangkabau or Minang. West Sumatra region consists of the administration of the 12 district and 7 cities with population in 2002 about 4,375,080 inhabitants. Seven cities, namely Padang as a capital, Bukittinggi, Padang Panjang, Payakumbuh, Solok, Sawahlunto and Pariaman. While the district about ninth such as Padang Pariaman, Tanah Datar, 50 Kota, Agam, Pasaman, West Pasaman, Solok, Solok Selatan, Sawahlunto SJJ, Pesisir Selatan, Dharmasraya and Mentawai.
The average temperature recorded in West Sumatra between 22 to 28 degrees Celsius.
This area has a wide range of tourism natural object from the mountain tourism, sea, beaches, lakes, valleys, waterfalls, rivers, forests and plantations. Besides the natural tourism there are also has the another object like Tourism Culture, History Tours, Spiritual Tourism, Ethnic Tourism, Art and Bahari/Ocean Tourism .
Jam Gadang or "the Bigbend" of Bukittinggi
The “Big bend” or Jam Gadang that was the legacy of the history, standing in the middle of magnificent gardens Sabai Nan Aluih in front of the Bung Hatta Palace or Palace Tri Arga in Bukittinggi.
This monument was built in 1926 by an architect of the city, together with ST. Gigi Ameh. And at that time secretary of the city held by Mr Roocker Meker who get a gift of a “big bent” from the Queen of Nederland and the city architect ask him to make the building or monument that was given by the Queen.
The son of Mr Roocker Meker that was 6 years old, at that time placed the stone in the ceremony of building construction which spend the cost up to 3000 golden.
In the first monument was build like a dome at the top of the statue placed a chicken, which shown the native citizen who can not see the watch. To know the morning will come the people just heard the crowing chicken, and the roof was change at the Japanese colonial era. Up to this moment the roof was replaced like buffalo horn that symbolizing traditional Minangkabau.
The Monuments in Payakumbuh
There area two monuments in Payakumbuh city such as The Monument of Bukik Sibaluik and The Monument of the mother's lament (Tugu Ratapan Ibu).
The Monumen of Bukik Sibaluik
Bukik Sibaluik monument is a historical monument built to commemorate the struggle of the people in the war of independence Payakumbuh. This place is often visited by the history interested persons. The monument is located not far from the center of the Payakumbuh city, precisely in the park of the Office Mayor Payakumbuh and still in the tourist area of Ngalau Indah.
The monument of the mother's lament (Tugu Ratapan Ibu)
A unique historical monument was established to remember the slain Hero who was killed cruelly. In this place, about 20 people laid at the edge of previous bridge was killed by colonists. When it is happen the mothers and family mourned witnessed the fate of children and see the family that died tortured.
The Attractions in Payakumbuh
Payakumbuh city has several event like The Cattle Race (Pacu Sapi), Randai (Music Theater), The Horse Racing (Pacu Kuda), International rock climbing and Duck Race.
The Cattle Race (Pacu Sapi)The spur cow activity (cattle race) was held in the rice field and usually was carried out in accordance with the harvest season. The essentially the race was held in order to harvest more condusive atmosphere and fun. Two cows tied to a plow jockey with ancing ull by cows. In each race involved 5 to 10 pairs of racing cattle from the line of start to finish. Normally the race held 3 times a year before the planting season which took place around Tanjung Anau and Payobasung villages.
Randai (Music Theater)
Randai is a type of folk art theater from Minangkabau, West Sumatera. Usually, a Randai group consist of 15 to 25 players who brought the act from folk tales like Kati Alam Samsudin, Siti Bariah, Alam Saedar, Siti Janela and so on. Technically, randai is a mix and blend between dance, music and theater. The uniqueness was in the form of the presentation with the form of a circle pattern. The Closeness between the players and the audience made the Randai very familiar with the community. Randai is usually played home garden or in the open area which the audience who surrounded the visible unity of being one piece. In each appearance, the audiences can interrupt dialogues that were delivered by the players or possibly cheered to give the player's passion.
The Horse Racing (Pacu Kuda)Horse Racing is a game of people, especially for horse breeders or the lover of the horse in the Payakumbuh City. Currently this activity became event the supporter of tourism in the Payakumbuh City with the distance that was raced 800, 1200, 1400 and 1600 meters. Generally, this event is held once a year. This activity has been defined as event national and posted in a national tourism calendar by Tourism Department Arts and Cultural Affairs. (photo's: