Built in 1982 by Prof. Dr. BJ. Habibie. There are aorund 2.000 ethnobotany artifact and dioramas of plant utilization in serving basic necessity. Located on Jl. Ir. H. Juanda no. 24 Bogor
Museum Zoologi
Built in 1894 which named Zoologicum Bogoriensis museum. This museum has a thousand mamalias, ants, reptiles, birds, fhises, and molluca's collection. Located on Jl. Ir. Juanda no. 09 Bogor
Museum Tanah
Built in 29 september 1988. This museum has a function to keep so many variety of Indonesia soils served in macromonolite. Located on Jl. Ir. H. Juanda no.98 Bogor.
Museum PETA
Established during 1996 by the Foundation of the Struggle Tanah Air, and inaugurated by H. M. Soeharto (President of the Republic of Indonesia). This museum contained 14 dioramas as the forms of realisation in the process of the movement of the nationality happened on October 3 1943 took place at the troops's Military Base of KNIL/Netherland, Pabaton Bogor, now well known as Jend. Sudirman street. This was the nationality troops by the leaders of the movement of the Motherland nationality, Indonesia was at that time prepared to become the nationality troops from the Indonesia Merdeka. In this Bogor City the first time being held by the formation of cadets who afterwards gave birth to officers the Troops of Motherland, the National Indonesia Army. (source: kotabogor.go.id)
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